Thursday 24 April 2014

Close To Physical Reality With Some Bi Location Thrown In

Tuesday 8th April 2014
Where: In bed
Time: 5.30am
Weather: Some sun and cloud
Techniques used: Moving energy up and down the body, feeling myself floating up and down and side to side. Visualization.
Goal: To see my physical body/verification

My husband had gotten up early (he can't move without waking me up), so I decided to do some energy work and try and project. Feeling myself floating up and down and side to side seemed to be the most effective. It felt as though my energy body had separated slightly - I felt light and heavy at the same time and could barely feel my physical body. I stayed this way for perhaps a 1/2 hour or more. Towards the end of this time I could feel energy pulsing, or flowing and my hands and feet twitched (energy body or physical? Not sure). My head also moved quickly to the side and back again - it felt as though it was my 'astral' head; I didn't feel any muscles moving or working. Every time the energy sensations got stronger I could feel myself getting excited and too focused  - although I tried not to (you've got to be able to let go to project). My intention was to try to phase to the doorway where I could look at my body and then go downstairs to the kitchen and be nosy (its where my husband would have been).

As time went on I could feel myself getting frustrated (also a buzz kill to projection) - I tried to just let go and let it happen. In the end I decided to give up and I moved onto my side to go to sleep. I'm not sure if it was immediate but I became conscious in the square of the village where I live and work. It was exactly as it is in waking reality. I could see perfectly, although it was a bit dark (it probably would've been lighter physically) - everything was very crisp and 'real'; not at all dream like. No one else was there. I stood outside one of the houses there, looked around and started to walk a little way. I remembered that my goal had been to get some verification of my experience (which was completely stupid really - I was in a perfect situation, totally lucid and aware, seemingly unencumbered by my subconscious - and dammit I threw it all away!). I decided to try and think myself to the kitchen at home. As soon as I thought of home I simultaneously became aware of my body lying on its front in bed (I'm not sure when I/it moved!) as soon as I decided to try and phase I woke up back in my body.

Notes: Although a short experience it really stood out for me - there was a real difference in 'feel' between this experience and the one before -
The other experience felt much more dream like and 'mutable' whereas (apart from the very strange sensation of being literally in two places at once at the end) this felt very similar to waking reality.

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