Thursday 24 April 2014

A Little Help From My Friends

Saturday 5th April 2014
Where: In bed
Time: 5am
Weather: Cloudy
Techniques used: VELO to reach the vibrational state (see blog post for more info), loosening the energy body by feeling myself moving up and down and side to side. May have used the rope climbing technique as well.
Goal: To meet helpers/guides

I woke up, went to the bathroom and went back to bed. I started doing some techniques - I felt quite excited about trying to have an out of body experience. It didn't work (at least, not yet) and I fell asleep and starting dreaming - normal, non lucid dream, but quite vivid. I was walking past a complex with part of it like a walled garden with shops, pubs and cafes attached. I was walking over the grass around the outside wall when I realised I was dreaming. I thought to myself that I was projected outside my body and remembered that my goal was to see my helper or guide (whether this was a lucid dream or projection is debatable - in retrospect it was a probably lucid dream - I have to be honest though, I'm not completely clear on the difference, or even if its all that clear cut). I was aware enough to know I wasn't in the physical world and to remember my goal and use my decision making processes, but slowly and with some confusion (not unlike waking reality then!). I spoke out loud and said I wanted to meet my helper and wondered if it made the mouth on my physical body move (aargh! Why do I keep doing that?). Two women approached me (I only asked for one!) walking over paths crossing the grass. At first one of them seemed to be pushing a buggy, but then it wasn't there anymore. They arrived; one was bigger (taller?) and blonde and the petite with alternating dark and blonde hair.They confirmed they were my helpers - or at least I think they did - my memory is fuzzy although I do remember at the time thinking how high my lucidity (awareness) was and how stable everything seemed. The one with alternating hair colour would not give me her name, but the blonde one did. She may have said Charlotte, but again I'm having a bit of a memory block.
We walked off together, or I followed them - in hindsight I wasn't getting that good a feeling from them, although they said they'd help me with my projections.

We walked through lots of people in the pub/shopping area ; it was very busy. I think I lost them briefly and then found them again in a small, old fashioned alley way - we seemed to be stood in the doorway of a smoking/tobacco shop. I caught sight of myself in a mirrored wall and studied my reflection. At first I looked beautiful (yay!), but parts of my face started to change and devolve and look less attractive (?). I started to lose my awareness here and it became more dream like - everyone by the shop door started smoking a small cigar, and then everyone started panicking. All of a sudden I could hear a loud noise like the sound the alien space ships make in the PC game Spore (my kids play it all the time). My 'helpers' deserted me and I tried to hide - someone warned me that it wouldn't work. I got scared and was about to panic when I remembered that I could just go back to my body. I relaxed and thought about my body and had a sensation of flying backwards and 'coming to land' in my body - at that point I woke up and said to myself I must write that all down before I fall asleep - at which point I promptly fell asleep.

Notes: The question of 'out of body projection or lucid dream' is raised nicely here and its a tricky one. I'm really not sure of the answer. I had variable lucidity and some aspects were very dream like (the girls hair changing colour, the alien space ship sound), but the sensation of returning to my body implies that I wasn't in it. At the moment my theory is that when you are having a lucid dream you are very close to your body - perhaps floating just above it and its largely an hallucination. Maybe. Perhaps those women were aspects of my subconscious rather than actual real life helpers? Or perhaps they were extraphysical beings (people currently without a body) no more evolved that you or I who were having some fun? Perhaps the difference is lucid dream perception and out of body is how much your subconscious effects the plane you're in and its vibrational 'density'? Its something I really would like to work out!

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