Tuesday 6 May 2014

Hypnopompic Noises

Tuesday 22nd April 2014
Time: 7.15am
Where: In bed
Weather: Cloudy
Techniques used: Moving energy up and down the body. 'Phantom wiggling' from Michael Raduga - his book 'The Phase' is available as a free ebook here  http://obe4u.com/nature_of_obe_and_lucid_dreaming/free-ebook/ . Basically 'phantom wiggling' is when you try to move parts of your energy body - a little at first and then with more freedom of movement. The trick is to not use physical muscles at all (obviously) but to use your intention and your non physical 'muscles'. There are lots of other techniques in the book and strict protocols for how to use them. On a side note I thought it was a useful books in terms of techniques to try - there's lots there for how to maintain an out of body experience and how to achieve them. However, it wasn't very inspirational - so give it a read for the practical stuff and go elsewhere for theory on the nature of out of body experiences and some good old motivational stuff!

I had a good nights sleep and the distinct feeling that I had dreamt a lot, and very vividly - but I could only remember fragments. The alarm went off at 7am (ugh...), but I pressed snooze a few times (bad habit...). I vaguely ran through some techniques: VELO (see blog post http://obewanderingsinwiltshire.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/vibrational-state-technique-and.html) and phantom wiggling by trying to move my energy body fingers and toes. I knew the alarm would go off again soon - but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. Suddenly I heard three very loud and distinct knocks which sounded very close to me (no one else in the house was up yet)....... and then the alarm went off again and ruined everything :/

Notes: The knocking sounds I heard seem to be an example of hypnopompic noises. Hypnopompic imagery and sounds occur as you're waking from sleep (as opposed to hypnagogic which is the period before falling asleep). If the alarm hadn't had gone off I could have probably used this state to get out of body. If you hear noises (I've heard my name said before, among other things) or see things stay calm and gently focus your attention - it could mean you're close to an exit :)

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